repolite.repolite module

Manage a small set of repository dependencies without manifest.xml or git submodules. You get to write (local) project config files in yaml instead.


Make sure we can find the git and git-lfs binaries in the user environment and return a tuple of path strings.

Return git_path, lfs_path:

program path strings

Rtype tuple:

path to program if found, else None


Check if repo configuration is consistent, ie, does current repo state match repo configuration items. Return True if current directories match the configuration, else False.


ucfg (Munch cfgobj) – Munch configuration object extracted from config file

Return is_state_valid:



Make sure the url is sanitary on most platforms.


url – input url / path from pathlib or config

Return url:

url / path to clone

Rtype str:

repolite.repolite.create_locked_cfg(ucfg, ufile, quiet, test=None)[source]

Create a ‘locked’ cfg file, ie, read the active config file and populate the repo_hash values with HEAD from each branch, then write a new config file with ‘-locked’ appended to the name.

  • ucfg (Munch cfgobj) – Munch configuration object extracted from config file

  • ufile (Path obj) – active config file

  • quiet (Boolean) – Suppress some git output

  • test (str or None) – test path for locked config file


DirectoryTypeError – if repo state is invalid

repolite.repolite.create_repo_tags(ucfg, utag, test=None)[source]

Create a new signed or annotated tag in each configured repository. (re)Set the gpg signing key from user config.

  • ucfg (Munch cfgobj) – Munch configuration object extracted from config file

  • utag (str obj) – tag string to apply

  • test (str or None) – test path for config file


DirectoryTypeError – if repo state is invalid

repolite.repolite.generate_change_data(mrepo, base_tag, dir_name, cur_tag)[source]

Generate a changelog (full or diff) for the given repository and drop it in the configured top_dir directory. Checks repo config for base tag to decide full vs diff.

  • mrepo (Munch obj) – a Munch repo obj with Munch repos item

  • base_tag (str or None) – starting tag for change diff

  • cur_tag (str) – ending tag for change diff (tag on current commit)


directory name for output (top_dir)

repolite.repolite.install_with_pip(pip_name, quiet=False)[source]

Install a python repository via pip; this should be done in a local virtual environment.

  • pip_name (str) – path to directory name of python repo to install

  • quiet (boolean) – filter most of the install cmd output


Load yaml configuration file and munchify the data. If ENV path or local file is not found in current directory, the default will be loaded.


file_encoding (str) – file encoding of config file

Return tuple:

Munch cfg obj and cfg file as Path obj


FileTypeError – if the input file is not yml


Manage git repository-based project dependencies.


Parse config file options and build list of repo objects. Return list of global options and list of Munch repo objects.


ucfg (Munch cfgobj) – Munch configuration object extracted from config file

Return tuple:

list of flags, list of repository objs

repolite.repolite.process_git_repos(flags, repos, pull, quiet)[source]

Process list of git repository objs and populate/update top_dir.

  • flags (list) – List of options (from yaml cfg)

  • repos (list) – List of repository objs (from yaml cfg)

  • pull (Boolean) – Update if True, else checkout

  • quiet (Boolean) – Suppress some git output


FileExistsError – if cloning on top of existing directories


Generate a changelog for any repos with the repo_gen_changes flag set. Note we do not check repo state here, we just process each valid repo entry.

  • ucfg (Munch cfgobj) – Munch configuration object extracted from config file

  • quiet – pass the quiet cmd line flag to install cmd

repolite.repolite.process_repo_install(ucfg, quiet)[source]

Install any repos with the repo_install flag set. Note we do not check repo state here, we just process each valid repo entry.

  • ucfg (Munch cfgobj) – Munch configuration object extracted from config file

  • quiet – pass the quiet cmd line flag to install cmd


Resolve top_dir, ie, containing directory for git repositories. The suggested path is inside the project working directory, but we should support any writable path. Also set the working dir path and return both as Path objs.

Return workpath, userpath:

tuple of Path objs


Display the current state of each repository using git describe/rev-parse.


ucfg (Munch cfgobj) – Munch configuration object extracted from config file


DirectoryTypeError – if repo state is invalid