Source code for timew_status.utils

Base configuration and app helper functions.

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from datetime import timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import which
from typing import Dict, List, NewType, Optional, Tuple

from munch import Munch

TimeDelta = NewType("TimeDelta", datetime.timedelta)
APP_NAME = 'timew_status_indicator'
CFG = {
    # time strings are HH:MM (no seconds)
    "day_max": "08:00",
    "day_snooze": "01:00",
    "seat_max": "01:30",
    "seat_snooze": "00:40",
    "seat_reset_on_stop": False,
    "use_last_tag": False,
    "use_symbolic_icons": False,
    "extension_script": "onelineday",
    "default_jtag_str": "vct-sw,implement skeleton timew indicator",
    "jtag_separator": ",",
    "loop_idle_seconds": 20,
    "show_state_label": False,
    "terminal_emulator": "gnome-terminal",
    "extensions_dir": ".timewarrior/extensions",
    "install_dir": "share/timew-addons/extensions",
    "install_prefix": "/usr",

[docs] def check_for_timew() -> str: """ Make sure we can find the ``timew`` binary in the user environment and return a path string. :return timew_path: program path strings :rtype str: path to program if found, else None """ timew_path = which('timew') if not timew_path: print('Cannot continue, no path found for timew') sys.exit(1) return timew_path
[docs] def do_install(cfg: Dict) -> List[str]: """ Install report extensions to timew extensions directory. The default src paths are preconfigured and should probably not be changed unless you know what you are doing, since *they are created during install or setup*. You should, however, adjust the destination path in ``extensions_dir`` if needed for your platform. Returns the destination path string for each installed extension script. :param cfg: runtime CFG dict :return files: list of strings """ prefix = cfg["install_prefix"] srcdir = Path(prefix) / cfg["install_dir"] destdir = Path.home() / cfg["extensions_dir"] extensions = ['', ''] files = [] for file in extensions: dest = destdir / file src = srcdir / file if DEBUG: print(f"do_install: src is {src}") print(f"do_install: dest is {dest}") dest.write_bytes(src.read_bytes()) print(f"{str(file)} written successfully") files.append(str(file)) return files
[docs] def get_config(file_encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> Tuple[Munch, Path]: """ Load configuration file and munchify the data. If local file is not found in config directory, the default will be loaded and saved to XDG config directory. Return a Munch cfg obj and corresponding Path obj. :param file_encoding: file encoding of config file :type file_encoding: str :return: tuple of Munch and Path objs """ cfgdir = get_userdirs() cfgfile = cfgdir.joinpath('config.yaml') if not cfgfile.exists(): print(f"Saving initial config data to {cfgfile}") # fmt: off cfgfile.write_text(Munch.toYAML(CFG), encoding=file_encoding) # type: ignore[attr-defined] cfgobj = Munch.fromYAML(cfgfile.read_text(encoding=file_encoding)) # type: ignore[attr-defined] # fmt: on return cfgobj, cfgfile
[docs] def get_delta_limits(ucfg: Dict) -> Tuple[timedelta, timedelta, timedelta, timedelta]: """ Return config max/snooze limits as timedeltas. Everything comes from static config values and gets padded with seconds. :param ucfg: runtime CFG dict :return: tuple of 4 timedeltas """ cfg = Munch.fromDict(ucfg) pad = ':00' day_sum = [cfg.day_max + pad, cfg.day_snooze + pad] seat_sum = [cfg.seat_max + pad, cfg.seat_snooze + pad] day_limit = sum(map(to_td, day_sum), timedelta()) # noqa: seat_limit = sum(map(to_td, seat_sum), timedelta()) # noqa: day_max = to_td(cfg.day_max + pad) seat_max = to_td(cfg.seat_max + pad) return day_max, day_limit, seat_max, seat_limit
[docs] def get_state_icon(state: str, cfg: Dict) -> str: """ Look up the state msg and return the icon name. Use builtin symbolic icons as fallback. :param state: name of state key :type state: str :param cfg: runtime CFG (dict) :return: matching icon name (str) """ install_path = '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps' icon_name = 'timew.svg' fallback_dict = { 'APP': 'dialog-information-symbolic', 'INACTIVE': 'dialog-question-symbolic', 'ACTIVE': 'dialog-information-symbolic', 'WARNING': 'dialog-warning-symbolic', 'ERROR': 'dialog-error-symbolic', } timew_dict = { 'APP': 'timew', 'INACTIVE': 'timew_inactive', 'ACTIVE': 'timew_info', 'WARNING': 'timew_warning', 'ERROR': 'timew_error', } state_dict = timew_dict app_icon = Path(install_path).joinpath(icon_name) if cfg["use_symbolic_icons"] or not app_icon.exists(): state_dict = fallback_dict return state_dict.get(state, state_dict['INACTIVE'])
[docs] def get_state_str( cmproc: subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes], count: TimeDelta, cfg: Dict ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Return timew state message and tracking state, ie, the key for dict with icons. :param cmproc: completed timew process obj :type cmproc: CompletedProcess :param count: seat time counter value :type count: timedelta :param cfg: runtime CFG :type cfg: Dict :return: tuple of state msg and state string """ (DAY_MAX, DAY_LIMIT, SEAT_MAX, SEAT_LIMIT) = get_delta_limits(cfg) state = 'INACTIVE' if cmproc.returncode == 1 else 'ACTIVE' msg = cmproc.stdout.decode('utf8') lines = msg.splitlines() day_total = '00:00:00' for x in [x for x in lines if x.split(';')[0] == 'total']: day_total = x.split(';')[1] if DAY_MAX < to_td(day_total) < DAY_LIMIT: state = 'WARNING' msg = f'WARNING: day max of {DAY_MAX} has been exceeded\n' + msg if to_td(day_total) > DAY_LIMIT: state = 'ERROR' msg = f'ERROR: day limit of {DAY_LIMIT} has been exceeded\n' + msg if cfg["seat_max"] != "00:00" and cfg["seat_snooze"] != "00:00": if SEAT_MAX < count < SEAT_LIMIT: state = 'WARNING' msg = f'WARNING: seat max of {SEAT_MAX} has been exceeded\n' + msg if count > SEAT_LIMIT: state = 'ERROR' msg = f'ERROR: seat limit of {SEAT_LIMIT} has been exceeded\n' + msg return msg, state
[docs] def get_status() -> subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes]: """ Return timew tracking status (output of ``timew`` with no arguments). :param None: :return: timew output str or None :raises RuntimeError: for timew not found error """ try: return["timew"], capture_output=True) except FileNotFoundError as exc: print(f'Timew status error: {exc}') raise RuntimeError("Did you install timewarrior?") from exc
[docs] def get_userdirs() -> Path: """ Get XDG user configuration path defined as ``XDG_CONFIG_HOME`` plus application name. This may grow if needed. :param None: :return: XDG Path obj """ xdg_path = os.getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME') config_home = Path(xdg_path) if xdg_path else Path.home().joinpath('.config') configdir = config_home.joinpath(APP_NAME) configdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return configdir
[docs] def parse_for_tag(text: str) -> str: """ Parse the output of timew start/stop commands for the tag string. :param text: start or stop output from ``timew`` (via run_cmd) :return: timew tag string """ for line in text.splitlines(): if line.startswith(("Tracking", "Recorded")): return line.split('"')[1] return "Tag extraction error"
[docs] def run_cmd( cfg: Dict, action: str = 'status', tag: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes], str]: """ Run timew command subject to the given action. :param action: one of <start|stop|status> :return: completed proc obj and result msg :raises RuntimeError: for timew action error """ timew_cmd = check_for_timew() extension = cfg["extension_script"] actions = ['start', 'stop', 'status'] svc_list = [timew_cmd] sts_list = [extension, "today"] cmd = svc_list act_list = [action] if action not in actions: msg = f'Invalid action: {action}' print(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) if action == 'start' and tag: act_list.append(tag) if action != 'status': cmd = svc_list + act_list else: cmd = cmd + sts_list print(f'Running {cmd}') try: result =, capture_output=True) if action == 'stop': tag = parse_for_tag(result.stdout.decode()) if DEBUG: print(f'run_cmd {action} result tag: {tag}') return result, tag if DEBUG: print(f'run_cmd {action} return code: {result.returncode}') print(f'run_cmd {action} result msg: {result.stdout.decode().strip()}') return result, result.stdout.decode() except Exception as exc: print(f'run_cmd exception: {exc}') raise RuntimeError(f"Timew {action} error") from exc
[docs] def to_td(hms: str) -> timedelta: """ Convert a time string in HH:MM:SS format to a timedelta object. :param hms: time string :return: timedelta """ hrs, mins, secs = hms.split(':') return timedelta(hours=int(hrs), minutes=int(mins), seconds=int(secs))
DEBUG = os.getenv('DEBUG', default=None)