Source code for yaml_tools.oscal

The main init, run, and self-test functions for oscal extract.

import argparse
import csv
import importlib
import sys
from collections import deque
from pathlib import Path

from munch import Munch
from natsort import os_sorted
from nested_lookup import nested_lookup

from .templates import xform_id
from .utils import (

# pylint: disable=R0801

[docs] def csv_append_id_data(in_ids, prog_opts, uargs): # pragma: no cover """ Append/update column data using ID sets and write a new csv file using the given filename with ``.modified`` appended to the filename stem. """ mpath = Path(uargs.munge) opath = ( Path(prog_opts['new_csv_file']) if prog_opts['new_csv_file'] else Path('.').joinpath(mpath.stem) ) new_opath = opath.with_suffix('.modified.csv') delim = prog_opts['csv_delimiter'] if prog_opts['csv_delimiter'] else ';' if uargs.verbose: print(f'Writing munged csv data to {new_opath}') writer = csv.writer( open(new_opath, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8'), delimiter=delim, ) reader = csv.reader( open(uargs.munge, 'r', newline='', encoding='utf-8'), delimiter=delim, ) headers = next(reader) for hdr in prog_opts['new_csv_hdrs']: headers.append(hdr) writer.writerow(headers) for ctl in reader: ctl = csv_row_match(in_ids, ctl) writer.writerow(ctl)
[docs] def csv_row_match(in_ids, ctl): """ Extracted ctl munging from ``csv_append_id_data`` loop for testing. :param: ctl :type ctl: csv row data :return ctl: munged ctl """ ctl_id = xform_id(ctl[0]) sub_ids = [s for s in in_ids if ctl_id in s] if ctl_id in in_ids: ctl.append('Y') elif sub_ids != []: ctl.append(sub_ids[0]) else: ctl.append('N') ctl.append(ctl_id) return ctl
[docs] def load_input_data(filepath, prog_opts, use_ssg=False, debug=False): """ Find and gather the inputs, ie, content file(s) and user control IDs, into a tuple of lists (id_list, file_tuple_list). Load up the queues and return a tuple of both queues and the list of normalized user IDs from ``filepath``. """ id_queue = deque() ctl_queue = deque() file_tuples = [] in_list = text_file_reader(filepath, prog_opts) in_ids = [xform_id(x) for x in in_list] if in_list[0].islower() else in_list if debug: print(f'Normalized input Ids: {in_ids}') if use_ssg: prog_opts['default_content_path'] = prog_opts['default_ssg_path'] prog_opts['default_profile_glob'] = prog_opts['default_ssg_glob'] if debug: print(f"Loading content from: {prog_opts['default_content_path']}") ctl_files = get_filelist( prog_opts['default_content_path'], prog_opts['default_profile_glob'], debug, ) for file in ctl_files: file_tuples.append((file, Path(file).name)) if debug: print(f'Using control file(s): {file_tuples}') for path in file_tuples: if debug: print(f'Extracting IDs from {path[1]}') try: indata = text_file_reader(Path(path[0]), prog_opts) except FileTypeError as exc: print(f'{exc} => {Path(path[0])}') if not use_ssg: path_ids = [ xform_id(x) for x in nested_lookup('id', indata) if x.islower() and '_' not in x and '-' in x ] else: path_ids = [x for x in nested_lookup('id', indata) if x.isupper()] id_queue.append((path[1], path_ids)) for ctl_id in nested_lookup(prog_opts['default_lookup_key'], indata)[0]: ctl_queue.append((ctl_id['id'], ctl_id)) if debug: print(f'ID queue Front: {id_queue[0]}') print(f'Control queue Front: {ctl_queue[0]}') return in_ids, id_queue, ctl_queue
[docs] def munge_file(filepath, prog_opts, uargs): """ Munge a CSV file by appending columns. """ input_ids = text_file_reader(filepath, prog_opts) csv_append_id_data(input_ids, prog_opts=prog_opts, uargs=uargs)
[docs] def process_data(filepath, prog_opts, uargs): """ Process inputs, print some output. """ input_ids, id_queue, ctl_queue = load_input_data( filepath, prog_opts, use_ssg=uargs.ssg, debug=uargs.verbose ) in_list, _ = id_set_match(input_ids, id_queue, uargs=uargs) if not uargs.quiet: print(f'\nControl queue has {len(ctl_queue)} items') rpt_attr = uargs.attribute if uargs.attribute else prog_opts['default_control_attr'] if uargs.verbose: print(f'Checking input IDs: {in_list}') print(f'\nID;{rpt_attr}') for ctl in ctl_queue: if ctl[0] in in_list: print(f'{ctl[0]};{ctl[1][rpt_attr]}')
[docs] def ssg_ctrl_from_nist(in_id, prog_opts, uargs): """ Create a new control in SSG format using the given ID. Give it some levels if it exists in the relevant NIST profiles. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def id_set_match(in_ids, id_q, uargs): """ Quick set match analysis of ID sets. """ in_set = SortedSet(in_ids) q_size = len(id_q) for _ in range(q_size): pname, id_list = id_q.popleft() if uargs.verbose: print(f"\n{pname} control IDs -> {len(id_list)}") id_set = SortedSet(id_list) if uargs.verbose: print(f"Input set is in {pname} set: {id_set > in_set}") common_set = id_set & in_set if uargs.verbose: print(f"Num input controls in {pname} set -> {len(common_set)}") not_in_set = in_set - id_set if uargs.verbose: print(f"Num input controls not in {pname} set -> {len(not_in_set)}") print(f"Input control IDs not in {pname} set: {list(not_in_set)}") # this requires a single filename in the search glob resulting in a control # ID queue size of 1 (as well as the sort-ids argument) if q_size == 1 and uargs.sort: sort_in = ( [xform_id(x) for x in common_set] if in_ids[0].isupper() else common_set ) sort_out = ( [xform_id(x) for x in not_in_set] if in_ids[0].isupper() else not_in_set ) print(f'\nInput IDs in {pname}:') for ctl in os_sorted(sort_in): print(ctl) print(f'\nInput IDs not in {pname}:') for ctl in os_sorted(sort_out): print(ctl) return list(common_set), list(not_in_set)
[docs] def self_test(ucfg): """ Basic sanity check using ``import_module``. """ print("Python version:", sys.version) print("-" * 80) modlist = ['yaml_tools.__init__', 'yaml_tools.oscal', 'yaml_tools.utils'] for modname in modlist: try: print(f'Checking module {modname}') mod = importlib.import_module(modname) print(mod.__doc__) except (NameError, KeyError, ModuleNotFoundError) as exc: print("FAILED: %s", repr(exc)) try: print(f'Checking if {ucfg.default_content_path} exists') try: ret = Path(ucfg.default_content_path).resolve(strict=True) print(f' Resolved: {ret}') except (FileNotFoundError, RuntimeError) as exc: print(f" {repr(exc)}") except (AttributeError, KeyError) as exc: print("Config is missing key 'default_content_path'! ") print(f" {repr(exc)}") print("-" * 80)
[docs] def main(argv=None): # pragma: no cover """ Collect and process command options/arguments and then process data. """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv cfg, pfile = load_config(Path(__file__).stem) popts = Munch.toDict(cfg) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description='Extract data from OSCAL or SSG content sources', ) parser.add_argument('--version', action="version", version=f"%(prog)s {VERSION}") parser.add_argument( '-t', '--test', help='run sanity checks and exit', action='store_true' ) parser.add_argument( '-u', '--use-ssg', help='use ssg content sources instead of oscal defaults', action='store_true', dest="ssg", ) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--sort-ids', help='use sorted IDs in output report', action='store_true', dest="sort", ) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='display more processing info', ) parser.add_argument( '-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='display less processing info', ) parser.add_argument( '-m', '--munge-file', metavar="FILE", type=str, help="Data file munge using input control ID sets", dest="munge", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( '-r', '--report-attribute', metavar="ATTR", type=str, help="Control report output using attribute ATTR", dest="attribute", default="status", ) parser.add_argument( '-D', '--dump-config', help='dump active configuration to stdout and exit', action='store_true', dest='dump', ) parser.add_argument( '-S', '--save-config', action='store_true', dest="save", help='save active config to default filename (.oscal.yml) and exit', ) parser.add_argument( 'file', nargs='?', metavar="FILE", type=str, help="path to input file with control IDs", ) args = parser.parse_args() if cfg_data = pfile.read_bytes() Path(f'.oscal{cfg.default_ext}').write_bytes(cfg_data) sys.exit(0) if args.dump: sys.stdout.write(Munch.toYAML(cfg)) sys.exit(0) if args.test: self_test(cfg) sys.exit(0) if not args.file: parser.print_usage() print("oscal: error: the following arguments are required: FILE") sys.exit(1) infile = args.file if not Path(infile).exists(): print(f'Input file {infile} not found!') sys.exit(1) if args.munge: munge_file(infile, popts, args) if args.verbose: print(f"Path to content: {cfg.default_content_path}") print(f"Content file glob: {cfg.default_profile_glob}") if not args.quiet: print(f"Processing input file: {infile}") process_data(infile, popts, args)
if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pragma: no cover