Source code for yaml_tools.oscal

The main init, run, and self-test functions for oscal extract.

import argparse
import csv
import importlib
import sys
from collections import deque
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Deque, Dict, List, Tuple

from munch import Munch
from natsort import os_sorted

from nested_lookup import nested_lookup

from .templates import xform_id
from .utils import (

# pylint: disable=R0801

[docs] def csv_append_id_data( in_ids: List, prog_opts: Dict, uargs: Munch ) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ Append/update column data using ID sets and write a new csv file using the given filename with ``.modified`` appended to the filename stem. """ mpath = Path(uargs.munge) opath = ( Path(prog_opts['new_csv_file']) if prog_opts['new_csv_file'] else Path('.').joinpath(mpath.stem) ) new_opath = opath.with_suffix('.modified.csv') delim = prog_opts['csv_delimiter'] if prog_opts['csv_delimiter'] else ';' if uargs.verbose: print(f'Writing munged csv data to {new_opath}') writer = csv.writer( open(new_opath, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8'), delimiter=delim, ) reader = csv.reader( open(uargs.munge, 'r', newline='', encoding='utf-8'), delimiter=delim, ) headers = next(reader) for hdr in prog_opts['new_csv_hdrs']: headers.append(hdr) writer.writerow(headers) for ctl in reader: ctl = csv_row_match(in_ids, ctl) writer.writerow(ctl)
[docs] def csv_row_match(in_ids: List, ctl: List) -> List: """ Extracted ctl munging from ``csv_append_id_data`` loop for testing. :param: ctl :type ctl: csv row data :return ctl: munged ctl """ ctl_id = xform_id(ctl[0]) sub_ids = [s for s in in_ids if ctl_id in s] if ctl_id in in_ids: ctl.append('Y') elif sub_ids != []: ctl.append(sub_ids[0]) else: ctl.append('N') ctl.append(ctl_id) return ctl
[docs] def load_input_data( filepath: Path, prog_opts: Dict, use_ssg: bool = False, debug: bool = False ) -> Tuple[List, Deque, Deque]: """ Find and gather the inputs, ie, content file(s) and user control IDs, into a tuple of lists (id_list, file_tuple_list). Load up the queues and return a tuple of both queues and the list of normalized user IDs from ``filepath``. """ id_queue: Deque = deque() ctl_queue: Deque = deque() file_tuples: List = [] in_list = text_file_reader(filepath, prog_opts) in_ids = [xform_id(x) for x in in_list] if in_list[0].islower() else in_list if debug: print(f'Normalized input Ids: {in_ids}') if use_ssg: prog_opts['default_content_path'] = prog_opts['default_ssg_path'] prog_opts['default_profile_glob'] = prog_opts['default_ssg_glob'] if debug: print(f"Loading content from: {prog_opts['default_content_path']}") ctl_files = get_filelist( prog_opts['default_content_path'], prog_opts['default_profile_glob'], debug, ) for file in ctl_files: file_tuples.append((file, Path(file).name)) if debug: print(f'Using control file(s): {file_tuples}') for path in file_tuples: if debug: print(f'Extracting IDs from {path[1]}') try: indata = text_file_reader(Path(path[0]), prog_opts) except FileTypeError as exc: print(f'{exc} => {Path(path[0])}') if not use_ssg: path_ids = [ xform_id(x) for x in nested_lookup('id', indata) if x.islower() and '_' not in x and '-' in x ] else: path_ids = [x for x in nested_lookup('id', indata) if x.isupper()] id_queue.append((path[1], path_ids)) for ctl_id in nested_lookup(prog_opts['default_lookup_key'], indata)[0]: ctl_queue.append((ctl_id['id'], ctl_id)) if debug: print(f'ID queue Front: {id_queue[0]}') print(f'Control queue Front: {ctl_queue[0]}') return in_ids, id_queue, ctl_queue
[docs] def munge_file(filepath: Path, prog_opts: Dict, uargs: Munch): """ Munge a CSV file by appending columns. """ input_ids = text_file_reader(filepath, prog_opts) csv_append_id_data(input_ids, prog_opts=prog_opts, uargs=uargs)
[docs] def process_data(filepath: Path, prog_opts: Dict, uargs: Munch): """ Process inputs, print some output. """ input_ids, id_queue, ctl_queue = load_input_data( filepath, prog_opts, use_ssg=uargs.ssg, debug=uargs.verbose ) in_list, _ = id_set_match(input_ids, id_queue, uargs=uargs) if not uargs.quiet: print(f'\nControl queue has {len(ctl_queue)} items') rpt_attr = uargs.attribute if uargs.attribute else prog_opts['default_control_attr'] if uargs.verbose: print(f'Checking input IDs: {in_list}') print(f'\nID;{rpt_attr}') for ctl in ctl_queue: if ctl[0] in in_list: print(f'{ctl[0]};{ctl[1][rpt_attr]}')
[docs] def ssg_ctrl_from_nist(in_id: str, prog_opts: Dict, uargs: Munch): """ Create a new control in SSG format using the given ID. Give it some levels if it exists in the relevant NIST profiles. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def id_set_match(in_ids: List, id_q: Deque, uargs: Munch) -> Tuple[List, List]: """ Quick set match analysis of ID sets. """ in_set = SortedSet(in_ids) q_size = len(id_q) for _ in range(q_size): pname, id_list = id_q.popleft() if uargs.verbose: print(f"\n{pname} control IDs -> {len(id_list)}") id_set = SortedSet(id_list) if uargs.verbose: print(f"Input set is in {pname} set: {id_set > in_set}") common_set = id_set & in_set if uargs.verbose: print(f"Num input controls in {pname} set -> {len(common_set)}") not_in_set = in_set - id_set if uargs.verbose: print(f"Num input controls not in {pname} set -> {len(not_in_set)}") print(f"Input control IDs not in {pname} set: {list(not_in_set)}") # this requires a single filename in the search glob resulting in a control # ID queue size of 1 (as well as the sort-ids argument) if q_size == 1 and uargs.sort: sort_in = ( [xform_id(x) for x in common_set] if in_ids[0].isupper() else common_set ) sort_out = ( [xform_id(x) for x in not_in_set] if in_ids[0].isupper() else not_in_set ) print(f'\nInput IDs in {pname}:') for ctl in os_sorted(sort_in): print(ctl) print(f'\nInput IDs not in {pname}:') for ctl in os_sorted(sort_out): print(ctl) return list(common_set), list(not_in_set)
[docs] def self_test(ucfg: Munch): """ Basic sanity check using ``import_module``. """ print("Python version:", sys.version) print("-" * 80) modlist = ['yaml_tools.__init__', 'yaml_tools.oscal', 'yaml_tools.utils'] for modname in modlist: try: print(f'Checking module {modname}') mod = importlib.import_module(modname) print(mod.__doc__) except (NameError, KeyError, ModuleNotFoundError) as exc: print("FAILED: %s", repr(exc)) try: print(f'Checking if {ucfg.default_content_path} exists') try: ret = Path(ucfg.default_content_path).resolve(strict=True) print(f' Resolved: {ret}') except (FileNotFoundError, RuntimeError) as exc: print(f" {repr(exc)}") except (AttributeError, KeyError) as exc: print("Config is missing key 'default_content_path'! ") print(f" {repr(exc)}") print("-" * 80)
[docs] def main(argv=None): # pragma: no cover """ Collect and process command options/arguments and then process data. """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv cfg, pfile = load_config(Path(__file__).stem) popts = Munch.toDict(cfg) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description='Extract data from OSCAL or SSG content sources', ) parser.add_argument('--version', action="version", version=f"%(prog)s {VERSION}") parser.add_argument( '-t', '--test', help='run sanity checks and exit', action='store_true' ) parser.add_argument( '-u', '--use-ssg', help='use ssg content sources instead of oscal defaults', action='store_true', dest="ssg", ) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--sort-ids', help='use sorted IDs in output report', action='store_true', dest="sort", ) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='display more processing info', ) parser.add_argument( '-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='display less processing info', ) parser.add_argument( '-m', '--munge-file', metavar="FILE", type=str, help="Data file munge using input control ID sets", dest="munge", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( '-r', '--report-attribute', metavar="ATTR", type=str, help="Control report output using attribute ATTR", dest="attribute", default="status", ) parser.add_argument( '-D', '--dump-config', help='dump active configuration to stdout and exit', action='store_true', dest='dump', ) parser.add_argument( '-S', '--save-config', action='store_true', dest="save", help='save active config to default filename (.oscal.yml) and exit', ) parser.add_argument( 'file', nargs='?', metavar="FILE", type=str, help="path to input file with control IDs", ) args = parser.parse_args() if cfg_data = pfile.read_bytes() Path(f'.oscal{cfg.default_ext}').write_bytes(cfg_data) sys.exit(0) if args.dump: sys.stdout.write(Munch.toYAML(cfg)) sys.exit(0) if args.test: self_test(cfg) sys.exit(0) if not args.file: parser.print_usage() print("oscal: error: the following arguments are required: FILE") sys.exit(1) infile = args.file if not Path(infile).exists(): print(f'Input file {infile} not found!') sys.exit(1) if args.munge: munge_file(infile, popts, args) if args.verbose: print(f"Path to content: {cfg.default_content_path}") print(f"Content file glob: {cfg.default_profile_glob}") if not args.quiet: print(f"Processing input file: {infile}") process_data(infile, popts, args)
if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pragma: no cover