Go to the source code of this file.
Definition at line 3 of file topo.f.
Referenced by wocss().
21 WRITE (*,*)
32 READ (11,6004) (sfcht(ix,jy),ix=1,ncol)
33 IF (mod(jinvy,10).EQ.1)
34 $
WRITE (*,6004) (sfcht(ix,jy),ix=1,ncol,10)
40 IF(sfcht(ix,jy).LT.sfclow) sfclow=sfcht(ix,jy)
41 IF(sfcht(ix,jy).GT. sfchi) sfchi =sfcht(ix,jy)
56 rhs(ix,jy,kz) =sigma(kz)*avthk-
57 $ (sfcht(ix,jy)-sfclow)*(1.0-slfac)
61 6001
62 6002
FORMAT (1x, 45f5.0)
63 6003
FORMAT (1x, 161f5.0)
64 6004
FORMAT (1x, 180f5.0)